1/ General Terms
1.1/ “ALOV” operates as an electronic online store. The above mentioned electronic online store & brand is owned by Myrto Papazisi, resident of Athens (292, Olympionikon str. & Paritsi 1, 15451), Tax Identification Number 135450211 registered in the Public Fiscal Service of Psychiko, and it operates under her executive control. On this particular virtual commercial space all members without exception are bound to operate within a specific framework, as this is set out by the following terms and conditions.
2/ Conditions of Participation
2.1/ The application of the present Terms of Use is common and absolute for all members. The exclusion of any member from their scope of application is not possible and nor is, naturally, their alteration in any way, in order for an individual member’s or a group of members’ interests to be served. Each new member is required to be informed in detail regarding “ALOV” operating framework. Should a potential member not be in agreement with any of the present general or specific Terms, they are called upon not to register as a member of “ALOV”. Conversely, if a natural or legal person undertakes all the necessary actions, in order to become a member of the present platform, it is presumed outright that it has acquired full and clear knowledge of the present Terms of Use and the applicable Privacy Policy and has accepted them in full and without reservation.
2.2/ Only natural or legal persons with full legal capacity may participate as members of the present platform. From acquisition of membership are excluded minors (individuals under 18 years of age or under 21 years of age, in the case the age limit of minority is set by law at 21 years of age in the state a certain member is resident in).
2.3/ The information entered by users upon their registration as members of “ALOV” must be complete and accurate. In case any of the above information is altered in any way, the member shall update the information with no delay (following the instructions provided on the website), so that information provided is always up to date.
2.4/ It should be noted that, by analogy, all Terms, without exception, set by “ALOV” for the proper and lawful operation of the platform include in their scope of application all website users, even if they are not registered as members. In any case, both the present as well as any other Terms governing the operation of “ALOV” do not govern or are linked with any other websites, services and electronic platforms of any kind.
3/Intellectual property & industrial property rights
Apart from the explicitly stated exceptions (intellectual property rights and trademarks of third-parties, associates and affiliates), the entire contents of the “ALOV” Website including images, graphics, photographs, designs, texts, the services provided and all files found in this Website in general, constitute intellectual property, registered trademarks and “ALOV” service logos and are thus protected according to the relevant provisions of European law and of international conventions. Therefore, no such right may become the subject, in whole or in part, of a sale, copy, amendment, reproduction, republication or be uploaded, downloaded, transmitted or distributed by any means, with the sole exception of personal use alone, namely not for the purpose of public or commercial use and without ever extinguishing the indication of their origin linking such content to “ALOV” and in such way that by no means breaches the applicable intellectual property and industrial property rights. In exceptional cases, any of the above may be permitted only upon condition of prior written consent on the part of “ALOV” and given they pertain to “ALOV” relevant rights.
The creation and/or publication of any database containing elements of the Website is not permitted without the prior explicit consent on the part of “ALOV”.
Therefore, any other services referred to within the digital pages of the present Website and bearing the trademarks of corresponding organisations, companies, associate bodies, unions or publishers, comprise their own intellectual and industrial property and thus they assume the relevant responsibility.
4/Amendment of existing terms
4.1 “ALOV” retains the right to alter the present Terms whenever it deems appropriate (by means of additions, deletions, corrections and any other type of amendments), while being bound to provide its members (and in addition its visitors) with the ability to be notified of any such changes. It is noted that any potential amendment instituted shall apply to all existing members.
4.2 Should any individual term of the present or of the rest of the Terms, which govern the operation of this digital platform, be rendered, in whole or in part, void or unenforceable, the applicability and/or validity of the remaining terms, or part of them, is in no way affected. In the event of a term being struck down as void and/or unenforceable, it will be substituted by another term approaching to the maximum possible extent the essence and purpose of the void or unenforceable terms. Similarly, this shall also hold true for matters that are not expressly regulated in the Terms which generally govern the operation of “ALOV”.
5/Governing law – Jurisdiction- Competence
5.1 In reference to relations between “ALOV” and its users, the governing law shall be Greek law, along with the law (Regulations, Directives) of the European Communities and the European Union, as well as any applicable international conventions to which Greece is a contracting party.
5.2 The competent courts given exclusive jurisdiction to hear any dispute which may arise will be the courts of the city of Athens.
5.3 It is hereby indicated that users, with regard to any claim arising among them in the context of their mutual transactions, and in order to facilitate the achievement of an amicable resolution between the parties, may request, in accordance with the applicable Greek and European legislation, the intervention of the competent body for alternative dispute resolution for Greece, namely the independent authority “Hellenic Consumers’ Ombudsman – European Consumer Centre” (https://www.eccgreece.gr/el/european-consumer-center-greece), or alternatively through the platform for Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) of the European Commission (http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/index_en.htm).